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    Cape Town

    Contact Numbers

    Mobile: +27 71 6025 837 (071 6025 837)
    Mobile: +27 82 4672 083 (082 4672 083)
    Fax: +27 86 6123 282 (086 6123 282)

    Contact us online

    Like us on facebook: Taking Abroad Au Pairs

    Contact Address

    Postal details:
    Taking Abroad
    Western Cape
    Taking Abroad strive to give the best service possible to our clients/AuPairs.
    When you are abroad we assist you throughout the year.
    It is really a great and awesome opportunity to spend a year with a family in a foreign country.
    Our challenge to you is to take that leap of faith, dive into the unknown and discover something new!
    Go on discover we dare you!
    Remember we will support you every step of the way.
    Come on pick up the phone and call Taking Abroad or one of our agents today!
    Then your journey can start immediately!
    You can give head office a call for the nearest Agent!
    We have agents across South Africa.